Friends who sent their regards to this website.
ABELLA, Carlos. Writer (Madrid)
AGAPITO, Clara. Producer (Lisboa)
ALBADALEJO, Eduardo. Economist (Barcelona)
ALFARAS, Jordi. Retired, Grup Balaña manager (Barcelona)
AMIGO, Ana, Producer (Madrid)
ANGULO, Javier. Journalist and SEMINCI Director (Valladolid-Madrid)
APARICIO, Carlos. Victory Films Manager (Madrid)
ARAGONES, Josep Ma. Technical Director Apunto Lapospo (Barcelona)
AROCHI, Bosco. Producer (Mexico)
ATANCE, Xavier. Producer (Barcelona)
AUMEDES, David. Cinema distributor (Barcelona)
AUMEDES, Pere. Cinema Exhibitor and Promoter (Mollerussa, Lleida)
BALAGUE, Carles. Director and writer (Barcelona)
BARINAGA, Pablo. Production technician (Madrid)
BARRERA, Víctor. Actor, director and producer (Sevilla)
BELLMUNT, Francesc. Director (Barcelona)
BETRIU, Francesc. Director (València & Barcelona)
BLANCO, Adolfo. Writer and producer (Barcelona)
BONET MOJICA, Lluís. Journalist (Barcelona)
CANELA, Jaume. “Heart and Soul” of EGEDA & “Parakeet” (Barcelona)
CANET, Toni. Director (Valencia)
CARBALLO, Antonio. Editor and journalist (Madrid)
CASANOVAS, Conxita. Journalist (Barcelona)
CASES, Carles. Musician (Barcelona)
CASTELLOTE, Augusto. Retired, cinema distributor (València)
CHAVARRIAS, Antonio. Director and producer (Barcelona)
CLADELLAS MIRALLES, Josep Mª. “City Marshall”, Sant Cugat del Vallès.
CLIMENT, Eliseu. Cultural Promoter (Valencia)
CLIMENT, Paco. Writer (Madrid)
COLOM, Ramón. Journalist and Producer (Barcelona)
COMAS, Angel. Journalist and historian (Barcelona)
CUNILLES, Josep Maria. Producer (USA)
D’AMBROSIO, Enzo. Producer (Roma)
DE ARMAS, Beatriz. Former ICAA Vice-chairman (Madrid)
DE LUNA, Aureli. Producer (Barcelona)
DURAN, Ciro. Director (Colombia)
ESPAÑOL, Piti. Writer and scriptwriter (La Floresta)
ESTEBAN, Marta. Producer (Barcelona)
FENOLLOSA, Francesc. Producer (València)
FERNÁNDEZ, Carlos. Producer and distributor (Barcelona)
FERNÁNDEZ, Julio. Producer and distributor (Barcelona)
FONT, Ramón. Filmoteca of Catalonia (Barcelona)
FORN, Marta. Cinema Executive (Barcelona)
FORN, Sandra. Executive Producer (Barcelona)
FRANCO, Eva. Producer (Barcelona)
FUENTES, Carlos. Actor (Barcelona)
FUSTÉ, Rosa Mª. Director Apunto Lapospo (Barcelona)
GALVARRIATO, Cristina. Distributor (Barcelona)
GARAY, Jesús. Director (Barcelona)
GARCIA ARROJO, José Luis. Producer (Madrid)
GARCÍA ROLDÁN, Angel. Writer (Madrid)
GIBERT, Xavier. Consultant and Advisor (Barcelona)
GIL, Ricardo. Marketing consultor (Barcelona)
GRAS, IGNASI. Journalist (Barcelona)
GUERRERO, Agustí. Writer and professor (Sant Cugat Vallès)
GUSI, Carles. Cinematographer (Barcelona)
GUTIERREZ ARAGON, Manuel. Academician and Director (Madrid)
HERRERA, Vicent. Circus impresario (València)
IGLESIAS BONN, Miquel. Director (Barcelona)
JOSE I SOLSONA, Carles. Historian and economist (Barcelona)
JOVE, Jordi. Journalist Areavisual (Barcelona)
LAMARCA, Ignasi. Distributor (Barcelona)
LANGE, Fernanda. International Relations (Berlin)
LARIOS, Jordi. Cultural Promoter (Lleida)
LEDUC, Paul. Director (Mexico)
LEON, Carles. Manager (Barcelona)
LIEMAN, Sergio. International businessman and Spain consul (Mombassa, Kenya)
LOPEZ LLAVÍ, Josep Maria. Cinema critic and cultural/polìtic activist (Barcelona)
LLAMAS, Ivan. Producer & “Hacker” (Rubí)
LLORENÇ, Alfons. Documentalist and historian (Valencia)
LLORENS, Antoni. Businessman and Critic (Valencia)
LLORENS OLIVÉ, Antoni. Producer and distributor (Cambrils, Barcelona)
M. TORRES, Augusto. Writer and director (Madrid)
MACIÀ, Nèstor. Designer, ilustrator and comedian
MAIXENCHS, Josep. ESCAC Chairman
MARAI, Peter. International Salesman (California)
MARÍ SOUCASE, César. Director (València)
MARTOS, Ramón Jr. Laboratories Director (Barcelona)
MARTOS, Ramón Sr. Pensioner (Barcelona)
MATELLANO, Victor. Writer and Director (Madrid)
MEDINA, Alejandra. PAC Manager (Sant Cugat del Vallès)
MILLER, Eva. Circus and cinema actress (València)
MIR, Jordi. Kodak Salesman (Barcelona)
MIRALLES, Carles. Producer and cinema businessman (Pego, Alacant)
MONTERO HUERTA, Diego. Plastic artist and vertebrate paleontologist (Salas de los Infantes, Burgos)
MONTERO, Rodolfo. Producer (Madrid)
MOREIRA, Mònica. Actress and plumber (Barcelona)
MULÀ, Isabel. Producer (USA)
ORENGO, Carlos. Producer (Madrid)
OSPINA, Luis. Businessman (Sant Cugat del Vallès)
PASSOLA, Isona. Producer (Barcelona)
PENAS, Jordi. Director F.C. Barcelona Foundation (Barcelona)
PÉREZ FERRÁNDIZ, Josep Antoni. Son. Lawyer (Barcelona)
PÉREZ FERRÁNDIZ, Marta. Daughter. Production Manager (Barcelona)
PÉREZ GINER, Paco. Brother. Retired (Zaragoza)
PÉREZ LEAL, Agustín. Professor and poet (Petrer)
PEREZ REDONDO, Modesto. Production Manager (Madrid)
PETRUS, Anna. Menorcan Pirate.
PLADEVALL, Tomas. Professor and Cinematographer (Barcelona)
POCH, Paco. Producer (Barcelona)
PONS, Ventura. Director (Barcelona)
PRIETO, Susana. Writer (Madrid)
RAÑÉ, Ferran. Actor (Barcelona)
REGALADO, Laura. Assistant Director Apunto Lapospo (Barcelona)
RIAMBAU, Esteve. Professor, journalist and director (Barcelona)
RIERA, Elisa. Bussinesswoman and poet (Barcelona)
ROS, Mireia. Actress and Producer (Barcelona)
ROSELL, Josep. Art Director (Barcelona)
ROSES, Marc. Kodak Salesman (Barcelona)
SALCEDO, José. Editor (Madrid)
SAMA, Joan. Pensioner and Cultural Promoter (Sant Cugat del Vallès)
SAN MATEO, Josetxo. Director (Madrid)
SAUMELL, Bernat. Actor (Barcelona)
SAZATORNIL, Javier. Somontano’s Cultural Promoter (Barbastro, Huesca)
SOLE, Antoni. International Salesman (Barcelona)
SOLÉ, Daniel. International Salesman (Lisboa)
SUAREZ LOZANO, José Antonio. Lawyer (Madrid)
SUAU, Joan Carles. Actor (Calafell, Tarragona)
TORREIRO, Milito. Professor and journalist (Barcelona-Madrid)
TREMOSA, Jesús. Bussinessman (Brazil)
UNGRIA, Alfonso. Director and writer (Madrid)
VALL, Pere. Journalist (Barcelona)
VENTURA, Joyce. Producer (Colombia)
VILLAS, Roc. Filmoteca of Catalonia Chairman (Barcelona)
VILLAZAN, Nuria. Director (Barcelona)
P.G. friends still “alive” in his memory and who have left us in recent years.
ABELLA, Rafael. Journalist and writer (Barcelona)
ARANDA, Vicente. Director (Madrid)
CAMINO, Jaime. Director, writer and editor (Barcelona)
COHEN, Emma. Actress (Barcelona)
ESTEBAN, Manel. Director (Barcelona)
MARTOS, Paco. Laboratories (Barcelona)
MOLINA, Jacinto (Paul Naschy). Actor, Director and Writer (Madrid)
SASPLUGAS, Jordi. Bachelor’s in cooking, International Relations, TV3 and APIMED former executive (Andorra)
VALLADARES, Paco. Actor (Madrid)
VIVES, Camilo. Producer (La Habana. Cuba)
VIVÓ, Joan. Cinema Distributor (Barcelona)
If you are a friend of Mr. Pérez Giner, please send your name and career to and/or